About me

If there’s a problem, I have a design!

I have been a designer for the past several years. Fell in love with graphic designing when I was 22, and considering we are still together, I guess the thing about ‘love at first sight’ has some weight to it after all.

Logos, branding and brand language is what comes to my mind when talking about strengths. I love exploring typography, colors, and forms. I am a graphic designer with major OCDs about alignments and kerning.

I always aspire to make modern, creative, simple and timeless designs. To name a few, I have worked on brands like Nestle Corporate, Mother’s Pride, Presidium, Pathkind, Samsung, Hindustan Times, Aircel, Parker pens, UNICEF and Hindware.

Awards & Accolades

  • 2012

    One Show Silver Pencil UPDN – Corporate Identity

    Spikes Asia Award Finalist – In contention for a metal UPDN Corporate Identity

    Goafest ABBYS Silver Award Presidium The Signature Magazine Publishing

  • 2014

    The New York Festival Second Prize Award The Presidium Curriculum Books Art Direction

    Goafest ABBYS Bronze Award The Presidium Curriculum Books Presidium Books & Diaries

    Kyoorius Awards Blue Elephant The Presidium Curriculum Book Books Covers
    Design For Books

  • 2015

    Kyoorius Awards In Book Winner Mother’s Pride Offer Booklet Direct Mail
