If there’s a problem, I have a design!
I have been a designer for the past several years. Fell in love with graphic designing when I was 22, and considering we are still together, I guess the thing about ‘love at first sight’ has some weight to it after all.
Logos, branding and brand language is what comes to my mind when talking about strengths. I love exploring typography, colors, and forms. I am a graphic designer with major OCDs about alignments and kerning.
I always aspire to make modern, creative, simple and timeless designs. To name a few, I have worked on brands like Nestle Corporate, Mother’s Pride, Presidium, Pathkind, Samsung, Hindustan Times, Aircel, Parker pens, UNICEF and Hindware.
One Show Silver Pencil UPDN – Corporate Identity
Spikes Asia Award Finalist – In contention for a metal UPDN Corporate Identity
Goafest ABBYS Silver Award Presidium The Signature Magazine Publishing
The New York Festival Second Prize Award The Presidium Curriculum Books Art Direction
Goafest ABBYS Bronze Award The Presidium Curriculum Books Presidium Books & Diaries
Kyoorius Awards Blue Elephant The Presidium Curriculum Book Books Covers
Design For Books
Kyoorius Awards In Book Winner Mother’s Pride Offer Booklet Direct Mail